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02- Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications
An International Journal



Applying Conformable Double Sumudu – Elzaki Approach to Solve Nonlinear Fractional Problems

Shams A. Ahmed, Rania Saadeh, Ahmad Qazza, Tarig M. Elzaki,
Abstract :
In this study, a double-conforming Sumudu-Elzaki transformation (CDSET) and a decomposition method are combined to develop a new method that solves the nonlinear sub-problem considering some specific conditions. This combination can be referred to as the Conformal Double Sumudu-Elzaki Decomposition Method (CDSEDM). Furthermore, we explained and discussed the main features and main results of the presented method. The CDSEDM presents analytic series solutions with high convergence to the exact solution in closed form. The benefit of utilizing the proposed technique is that it presents analytic series solutions to the objective equations without the requirement for any constrained assumptions, transformation or discretization. In addition, various numerical experiments were presented to prove the efficiency of the obtained. The results show the power and effectiveness of the proposed approach in handling a range of physical and engineering problems.


On fractional inequalities for general fractional operators

Mohammed Al-Refai,
Abstract :
he Leibniz and the power law rules of differentiations do not hold for fractional derivatives with non-local kernels. Instead, infinite series representations were derived for the Leibniz and the power law rules of fractional derivatives. These rules produce heavy calculations, and they are not practical in implementations. In this paper, we derive certain inequalities of the general fractional operators of Caputo type. These inequalities are similar to the Leibniz and the power law rules for integer derivatives, where we replace the equalitys by inequalities. Because the general fractional operators involve many fractional operators as particular cases, the current study will involve several types of fractional differential and integral operators and include some recent studies in the literature. We present several new inequalities to illustrate the applicability of the obtained results.


Infinitely Many Solutions for Fractional Hamiltonian Systems with Locally Defined Potentials

Wafa Selmi, Mohsen Timoumi,
Abstract :
In this paper, we are concerned with the existence of infinitely many solutions for the following fractional Hamiltonian system \begin{equation} \label{eq1} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} _{t}D_{\infty}^{\alpha}(_{-\infty}D_{t}^{\alpha}u)(t)+L(t)u(t)=\nabla W(t,u(t)),\ t\in\mathbb{R}\u\in H^{\alpha}(\mathbb{R}), \end{array}\right. \end{equation} where $_{-\infty}D_{t}^{\alpha}$ and $_{t}D^{\alpha}_{\infty}$ are left and right Liouville-Weyl fractional derivatives of order $\frac{1}{2}<\alpha<1$ on the whole axis respectively, $L\in C(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R}^{N^{2}})$ is a symmetric matrix valued function unnecessary coercive and $W(t,x)\in C^{1}(\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}^{N},\mathbb{R})$. The novelty of this paper is that, assuming that $L$ is bounded from below and unnecessarily coercive at infinity, and $W$ is only locally defined near the origin with respect to the second variable, we show that (\ref{eq1}) possesses infinitely many solutions via a variant Symmetric Mountain Pass Theorem.


Analytical Solution of Cancer Cells Interaction with Virotherapy in the Framework of Fractional Derivative Operator

Abstract :
In the present paper, we introduce a mathematical model of virotherapy for cancer treatment by using fractional calculus. This model contains four differential equations which describes interactions among uninfected tumor cells, infected tumor cells, virions and effector T cells. We discuss the existence and uniqueness of the given model and study about local stability of equilibrium points. We also find the numerical solutions to investigate the effect of fractional order derivative and different variables. We also plot some graphs to illustrated the results.


Fractional spectral approaches for some fractional partial differential equations

S. Z. Rida, H. S. Hussien, A. H. Noreldeen, M. M. Farag,
Abstract :
The multi-order linear and nonlinear partial differential equations of fractional order have been solved numerically. A computational strategy based on fractional spectral operational matrices (OM) and generalized fractional Lageurre (GFL), generalized fractional shifted Legendre (GFSL), generalized fractional modified Bernstein (GFMB) are provided. Our fractional spectral methods have been used to solve nonlinear fractional partial differential equations and fractional Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers (KdVB) equation. Making use of a variety of test and application examples, the effectiveness of the numerical solution have been satisfied.


A Coinfection Model of Malaria and COVID-19 in the context of Conformable-order derivative

Francis Ohene Boateng,
Abstract :
Confection infection diseases are increasing everyday on the globe which could be as a result of climate issues. Malaria and Coronavirus (COVID-19) is now common infection in the Sub-Saharan Africa and this study examines both theoretical and numerical dynamics of coinfection of malaria and COVID-19. The existence and uniqueness of solution is studied using the Fixed-point theorem and Picard iterative method. Conformable-order derivative as a mathematical tool is used to investigate the dyanamics of the coinfected malaria and COVID-19 model. It is concluded that Conformable-order derivative has a great impart on the spread of the disease.


Tow numerical approaches for solving fractional model of Chemical Kinetics problem via Chebyshev polynomials

Abstract :
We give two new approaches for solving the fractional model of the Chemical Kinetics (CK) problem. The approaches (Chebyshev collocation (CC) method and the Chebyshev Galerkin (CG) method) are constituted of the Chebyshev polynomials, Galerkin method, and the collocation method where these techniques are to convert the system of differential equations into a system of algebraic equations which can be solved easily. Also, we study the error analysis for the methods. This work is expected to contribute to the vast advantage of Haar wavelets in chemical science. A complete agreement is achieved between our new methods. Moreover, We also checked the stability of the proposed methods.


An Exploration of Discrete Fractional Calculus with Applications to Intermittent Oncological Modeling

Raegan Higgins, Casey J Mills,
Abstract :
In this work, we use and unify time scale calculus and discrete fractional calculus to develop a new approach to modeling intermittent androgen deprivation therapy, a standard prostate cancer treatment. The novel time scale model previously developed assumes a constant length of time for on- and off-treatment intervals. By creating a time scale that more accurately represents time data, we explore the use of fractional calculus to model treatment. Current fractional calculus theory only allows for strictly continuous or discrete domains. We create a strictly discrete time scale and construct a dynamic equation on this time scale. We then develop theory that allows us to calculate the fractional difference of this dynamic equation. Finally, we model intermittent androgen deprivation therapy using this fractional difference and find that an improved fit is achieved for most of the patients tested.


Solution of Conformable Fractional Heat Equation Using Fractional Bessel Functions

Al. Naamneh, Sh. Alsharif, E. A. E.Rawashdeh,
Abstract :
With the use of the fractional Bessel function of the first kind of complex order and the Wronskian matrix, a second order linearly independent solution of the fractional Bessel equation is defined. Moreover as an application an exact solution of a reformulated fractional type heat equation in a circular plate in one and two dimension is obtained.


Dynamical Behavior of Fractional Order Breast Cancer Model: an Analytical and Numerical Study

Hegagi Mohammed Ali,
Abstract :
In this paper, we investigate the dynamical behavior of the fractional-order breast cancer model with modified parameters. This model formulated in Caputo fractional derivative sense. The non-negative solutions of this fractional-order model (FOM) are proved. We seek to study the equilibrium points and their stability of both the disease-free and endemic cases for the FOM. Moreover, the basic reproduction number R0 is calculated and sensitivity analysis with respect to the parameters for the FOM is achieved. We solved this FOM by two methods one of them gave an analytic-approximate solution is called generalized Mittag-Leffler function method (GMLFM) and another method express to the numerical solution is named predictor-corrector method (PCM). The numerical simulations for the proposed model have been supported to verify the theoretical results obtained.


Fractional Approach for Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reactions Model with Unified Technique

Chandrali Baishya, P. Veeresha,
Abstract :
The Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction model represents chemical oscillators that exhibit periodic vibrations as a result of complex physic-chemical phenomena. The non-linear behaviour exhibited by Belousov-Zhabotinsky model is the cause of Turing patterns, birth of spiral waves, rise of limit cycle attractors, and deterministic chaos in many chemical reaction processes. Due to these noteworthy characteristics, in this paper, we have analyzed mathematical Belousov-Zhabotinsky model by a novel numerical approach q-Homotopy analysis transformation method. To interpret new observations, we have incorporated Caputo fractional derivative in the model. The numerical result are presented graphically and concerning the absolute error of solutions. With the help of the homotopy parameter curve, we have projected the convergence region with reference to diverse values of fractional derivative. This work establishes that the projected numerical algorithm is a well-organized tool to analyze the multifaceted coupled partial differential equation representing Belousov-Zhabotinsky type reactions.


Impulsive fractional differential equations under uncertainty: Application in fluid mechanics

Soheil Salahshour, Morteza Pakdaman, Ali Ahmadian,
Abstract :
In this research, we study impulsive fractional differential equations (IFDEs) under interval uncertainty using Laplace transforms. For this purpose, the solution of IFDEs is obtained under Riemann-Liouville differentiability. Also, the Bagley-Torvik equation involving additive delta function on the interval right-hand side is solved to validate the theoretical results. the Bagley-Torvik equation arises in fluid mechanics.


About Convergence and Order of Convergence of some Fractional Derivatives

Sabrina Roscani, Lucas Venturato,
Abstract :
In this paper we establish some convergence results for Riemann-Liouville, Caputo and Caputo-Fabrizio fractional operators when the order of differentiation approaches one. We consider some errors given by ||D^{1-\alpha}f-f||_p for p=1 and p=\infty and we prove that for both Caputo and Caputo-Fabrizio operators the order of convergence is a positive real r\in(0,1). Finally, we compare the speed of convergence between Caputo and Caputo-Fabrizio operators obtaining that they are related by the Digamma function.


Analytic solutions of a 3-D propagated wave dynamical equation formulated by conformable calculus

Shaher Mohammed Momani,
Abstract :
Researchers show that there is a fundamental association between the symmetric and traveling wave solutions. They have shown that all symmetric waves are traveling waves. In this paper, we establish new analytic solution collections of nonlinear conformable time-fractional wave dynamical equation, equations of Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya (KZ) type in a complex domain. For this purpose, we build a new definition of a symmetric conformable differential operator (SCDO). The operator has a symmetric illustration in the open unit disk. By using SCDO, we propagate a class of special wave dynamical equation type KZ equation. The consequences show that the obtainable methods are powerful, dependable and formulate to apply to all classes of complex differential equations.


A Convenience Approximate Method for Solving an Inverse Heat Conduction Problem

Rahmat Darzi, Bahram Agheli,
Abstract :
In this research, fractional type one-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem (FIHCP) have been studied. This problem is devoted to calculating the temperature distribution in its range and the thermal flux on the bound while the temperature is clear at some of the domain points. The new approach of homotopic perturbation method (NHPM) is employed to recovering unknown functions and obtaining a solution for the problem. At the end, some appropriate examples are given for introducing and implementing the proposed approach in solving FIHCP.


Theory of stochastic pantograph differential equations with psi-Caputo fractional derivative

Abstract :
In this paper, we mainly study the existence of analytical solution of stochastic pantograph differential equations. The standard Picard’s iteration method is used to obtain the theory.

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