Solving Fredholm and Fractional Integral Equations through Orthogonal Pentagonal Metric Spaces |
PP: 161-196 |
Author(s) |
Poh Soon JosephNg,
Gunaseelan Mani,
Shoba Sree Ramulu,
Hasanen A. Hammad,
M. Abdel-Aty,
Abstract |
In this paper, we introduce a novel mathematical concept called the orthogonal neutrosophic pentagonal metric space. The topological properties of this space are thoroughly examined, and illustrative examples are provided to support its applicability. Moreover, fixed point results under contraction conditions are established using this space, thereby extending and unifying previous findings in a similar vein. Our discoveries significantly contribute to the progress of mathematical theory and its diverse applications across various fields. Ultimately, as an application, the existence and uniqueness of the Fredholm and fractional integral equations are discussed for inclusive innovation.