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World Research of Political Science Journal
An International Journal


Volumes > Volume 5 > No.2


Conflict of Regional and International Influence in the Red Sea: An Analytical Study

PP: 163-173
A.Mousa Aldada, O. Ali,
The Red Sea has political, strategic and economic importance, derived from its geographical location, which increased with the discovery of oil in the Gulf region and the Middle East, and the countries bordering it have derived their importance from its importance and vitality for international trade. The competition began early between regional and international powers over the Red Sea basin and its surrounding areas, as one of the most vital and strategic regions in the world. This competition increased, with the aim of strengthening political, economic and military influence, especially after the events of September 11, 2001. Several circumstances have allowed regional and international powers to be present in the Red Sea basin, including: the weakness and fragility of most of the countries bordering its basin, which are located on the African side, the existence of regional competition for control and influence over the region, and international competition for control and influence over the Middle East and the Horn of Africa, in addition to To efforts to combat piracy and the threat to maritime navigation and energy security, as well as to control and control the events in the Middle East region, which are full of political tensions and armed conflicts. In addition, the competition in the Red Sea basin between regional and international powers took several forms, the most prominent of which was economic and military competition.

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