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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 11 > No. 06


A Constructive Model To Demonstrate the Relationship Between the Effectiveness of Training Programs, Assistive Technology, and the Working Environment for Workers With Visual Impairment.

PP: 2219-2230
A. Albulayhi,
The studys goal was to evaluate a structural model that incorporates training variables and workplace variables in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Buraidah and Al Majmaah cities. The researcher used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the subject by studying the causal correlation to develop a causal model of the relationship between the effectiveness of training programs and assistive technology and the dimensions of the working environment in workers with visual impairment. The current research sample was randomly derived from workers with visual impairment, and the psychometric characteristics calculation sample consisted of 40 visually impaired workers in order to calculate certain psychometric characteristics (validity, internal consistency, and reliability) of the study tools: Working environment questionnaire of workers with visual impairment (researchers preparation). Questionnaire on the effectiveness of training programs for workers with visual impairment (researcher preparation). Identification of the employment of assistive technology for the training of workers with visual impairment (researcher preparation). The final sample consisted of 212 visually impaired workers in Buraidah and Majmaah, whose age ranged from 25 to 40 years, with an average of 32.6 years and a standard deviation (4.56). The study used the test (T), correlation coefficients, and path analysis method as a statistical method to test the validity of the proposed model and the probability of causal relationships between study variables based on previous theories and research. The results of the study were as follows: There is a statistically significant positive correlation between the work environment and its dimensions, the effectiveness of training programs - and the assistive technology of workers with visual impairment. The proposed model achieves high suitability indicators with its various components in its interpretation of the relationships between the work environment and the effectiveness of training programs - and assistive technology for workers with visual impairment. There are direct causal effects of external underlying autonomous variables (effectiveness of training programs - assistive technology) on the ancillary dimensions of the workplace environment variable for workers with visual impairment. There are indirect causal effects of assisted technology on the work environment through training programs. This study shows positive improvements in workers perceptions of visual impairment in the workplace while using a cognitive assistance system. This strategy encourages diversity and boosts productivity in the workplace while lowering stigma and the need for special accommodations. Keywords:

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