Optimising Youth Contribution to Socioeconomic Development – Case from Rwanda |
PP: 69-76 |
Author(s) |
Mohamed Buheji,
Abstract |
Rwanda is one of the leading countries in creating sustained progressive socioeconomic development in the last two decades. However, this development is clearly linked to the government of Rwandas efforts to bring in many top-down initiatives that addressed the conditions of its citizens rather than led by the community itself. In relevance to the youth of Rwanda, despite the high-quality national youth plan, the rare literature shows that Rwanda youth still have many opportunities to lead initiatives of their own projects that lead to socioeconomic development using a bottom-up approach.
This paper shows some of the approaches that were followed by the Socioeconomic Institute for Advanced Studies (SIAS) to optimize the youth contribution in the socioeconomic development of Rwanda. Further longitudinal study of the outcome of this approach is highly advised.