‘In Pursuit of Inspiring the World’ through Socio-economic Problems Solving- A Measure for Seven Years of Inspiration Economy Journey |
PP: 61-84 |
Author(s) |
Mohamed Buheji,
Abstract |
The aim of this work is to review the program of international inspiration economy project (IIEP) after seveb years since its inception in September 2015. We briefly review the type of projects research outcome of projects and publications approach. Also, we see how the concept and the content of the new disciplines developed, while addressing the requirements or the demands of the world or the community.
This review also see how IIEP led by the author is reaching out to inspire its targeted community through websites that communiticate the development and the outcome of the projects and the research.
Finaly, we reflect back on the seven years journey trying to measure the outcome and the main impact areas that managed to create changes on communities models. The author concludes about the inspiration economy postgraduate programs as a means for sustaining both the project and the concept development.